
Garden Design

New house maybe and want to get started on the right foot. Maybe a revamp of your existing house. How about we sit down and look at what options may be available to you?


Irrigation is the best way to control water use in the garden. For professional advise on sprinkler setup, product use and timer options give Gav a call.


Is your yard getting unruly? Why not have a look at regular maintenance. Whether it be a fortnightly mow or a monthly garden cleanup and weed spray. Lets have a talk about options.


Looking for a change? Give Gav a call for an obligation free quote.

Mulching & Fertilising

Yearly mulch top up or quarterly fertilising services available

Tree Pruning

Gav has been involved in tree care since 1992 and spent 8 years tree climbing. Although not as agile these days or conquering the larger trees, most backyard varieties are well within reach.

Hedging & Pruning

If you are after a neat hedge and shrubs dont let them get out of hand. Nothings worse when you end up with a leafless woody looking hedge. Promote growth and flowering with regular attention

Water Blasting

Sick of looking at that grime growing on your drive and pathways? Give Gav a call and lets get that fresh look back.

Gutter Cleaning

Gutters full? Rental needs a little TLC? Don’t get to the stage where water is backing up and is pouring back into your roof space. Once that ceiling gets moisture into it you will be looking at big $$$$.


Need a hand? have some new items that need to be positioned around the garden? Don’t forget the correct process. Hole half as wide again as the container, water crystals, fertiliser, watering in! Lost track. That’s ok give Gav a call and let him sort it out.


For a fortnightly or monthly mow set up on a regular basis please get in contact. Good rates and serviced as per your requirements. For those yards that need a bit more attention we can look at a weekly service.